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Beginner's Guide

Staple Spirits for the Home Bar

Staple Spirits for the Home Bar

It’s a great question I'm often asked but haven't yet answered in writing: collectively, what are all of the spirits I tend to stock? Today, I try to rectify that glaring omission.

In Praise of the "Give No Shits" Bottle

In Praise of the "Give No Shits" Bottle

You might have heard me mention this from time to time in other reviews. After some thought, I figured the term deserved some additional explanation and examination.

Moving Beyond the Standards

Moving Beyond the Standards

Ever been at a point where the more you try, the less you seem to know? If you’re bored with what you’re drinking, I might have some insight. (Bourbon drinkers, click here.)

In Praise of Miniatures

In Praise of Miniatures

Constantly underappreciated, liquor miniatures actually have quite a lot going for them beyond novelty. I'll do my best to explain why a few of these often sneak their way home from the local bottle shop.  

Our Take on Flavored Spirits

Our Take on Flavored Spirits

Flavored spirits are popular, but you're not going to find too much written about them here. The short answer is that most of them are terrible, but a longer answer lurks inside.

Developing Your Whiskey Palate

Developing Your Whiskey Palate

You might think that all whiskey tastes the same to you. You might be surprised to know how quickly you'll be able to start developing a champion palate with just a few tips.

Things to Know about American Single Malts

Things to Know about American Single Malts

If American single malts aren't bourbons, what exactly are they? And can they possibly be as interesting or worth your money as any other whisky category? 

Nosing Tips

Nosing Tips

Sometimes it's hard to actually smell spirits the way you're "supposed to," and you end up with a straight blast of ethanol to the nostrils for all your good intentions. If that sounds like you, help is on the way. 

Bad Taste Is Expensive

Bad Taste Is Expensive

If you're drinking cheaper stuff when you go out in order to save money, you might want to give this article a little click.



The Gospel of Color, ABV, and Filtration

The Gospel of Color, ABV, and Filtration

As you continue to read about whiskey, you're bound to run across these three terms. Are they important? Yes. Are they what necessarily define a good product? Not necessarily, I argue. 

How to Drink Your Whiskey

How to Drink Your Whiskey

Truth be told, there's no single answer, and be wary of anyone who tells you otherwise. You can pour Talisker 25 into a big cup of Sunny Delight if that's how you enjoy it best. However, there are a few things I've learned.

Ways to Try a Lot of Stuff

Ways to Try a Lot of Stuff

People ask all the time how to venture down the rabbit hole of spirits with a minimum of time and energy. While it will take money and time to discover what you like, there are a few hacks to the process.

Recommended Scotches for Beginners

Recommended Scotches for Beginners

Scotch is a pretty daunting product category. If you're wondering where to start and what to buy so you don't end up doing a spit take like a cartoon character when you take your first sip, I have you covered.