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Arshak II Armenian Brandy (3 year VS)

Arshak II Armenian Brandy (3 year VS)

Underpromise, overdeliver. It's an old axiom any business owner would do well to internalize, and Arshak II is a shining example of how this works in a niche category of spirits.
Overall Rating: ★★☆

NOY 10 Armenian Brandy

NOY 10 Armenian Brandy

Another Armenian brandy today. Buckle up for a coke-versus-pepsi comparison I think is rather apt!
Overall Rating: ★☆☆

De Luze VSOP Cognac

De Luze VSOP Cognac

There's a lot of fun, interesting cognac out there I've never heard of. Here's another to show that those who veer from the beaten path are often rewarded for their curiosity.
Overall Rating: ★★☆ 

Korbel Brandy

Korbel Brandy

Ever smell something that brings you back to a particular time and place? Perhaps a time and a place you're thankful you haven't experienced in a while? Buckle up for a vivid story!  
Overall Rating:   


Hardy VS Cognac

Hardy VS Cognac

Support your smaller producer with this lesser-known but fully-capable cognac. The Hardy VS is a solidly crafted spirit that would serve as a great entry point for the cognac clueless.  Overall Rating: ★★☆

Ararat Akhtamar Armenian Brandy

Ararat Akhtamar Armenian Brandy

Armenian Brandy has a pretty rich and storied history. My Armenian friends might be wrong when it comes to System of a Down, but they're certainly not messing around with the Ararat Akhtamar 10.  Overall Rating: ★★☆

E&J XO Brandy

E&J XO Brandy

Yes, it's a $14 brandy. By all accounts it should be terrible, but either I'm a broken person or there's a lot of value and comfort here. 
Overall Rating: ★★☆