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Rhum Barbancourt 8

Rhum Barbancourt 8

We've talked about aged rums, and we've talked about agricole rums. Here's one that neatly splits the difference between the two styles.
Overall Rating: ★★☆

Kirk and Sweeney 23-Year Rum

Kirk and Sweeney 23-Year Rum

Aged rum can be stupidly cheap. However, an age statement of more than two decades carries some hefty expectations, regardless of price. In this respect alone the Kirk and Sweeney falls short.
Overall Rating: ★★☆

El Dorado 5 Rum

El Dorado 5 Rum

A fair mixer and a serviceable sipping rum if you're not paying too close attention. The rum rub: you can get a lot better than the ED-5 for not very much more.
Overall Rating: ★☆☆

Rhum Clement VSOP

Rhum Clement VSOP

You may not have ever heard of an agricole rum. No time like the present to learn, and no better bottle than this to learn from. At the end of the day it might not be your thing, but it gets a thumbs-up from me.  Overall Rating: ★★☆